Yesterday’s opening ceremony for the new science lab at Linda Community School was actually a double opening. Her Worship The Mayor of Livingstone kindly did the honours and cut the ribbon on our new insaka ( meeting place). She took a keen interest in the walls and interior bench, which had been made from approximately 5,000 ‘eco bricks’ – otherwise discarded plastic bottles filled with rubbish or unwanted dirt. They had been largely collected and filled by children from the school. We had left the interior of the wall exposed so that she could see it – it will be properly plastered to protect its structural integrity. The thatching had also been finished in a great effort by Isiah and his team – they were working until 9pm the night before and were there again bright and early. The ribbon was cut by the Mayor and Kalebb, the pupil who had made the most bricks ( an amazing 200!). By the end of the day the insaka had already been used by the school’s feeding programme and the ladies of Tiyese Craft Initiative. Well done everyone!