Everyone loves a good story. Following the recent BBC News online coverage of our supporter Josie Hind having made 1,000 bears for Zambezi Sunrise, which raise funds for us and are then distributed to vulnerable children in Zambia, the story has been picked up in other countries as well.
The original BBC story is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-51793089
Frequence Plus FM in France can be heard covering it here: https://www.frequenceplusfm.com/Podcast/lechiffre/mp3/11-03-2020-06h05-Le-Chiffre.mp3 . The podcast extract can be read (in French) here: https://frequenceplusfm.com/podcasts/le-chiffre-du-jour/2020-03-11
Also in France, with a video, is an article in ‘Demotivateur’:https://www.demotivateur.fr/article/cette-anglaise-de-81-ans-tricote-des-ours-en-peluche-pour-les-enfants-de-zambie-18921
In The Netherlands, ‘Linda’ magazine have an article (in Dutch): https://www.linda.nl/nieuws/vrouw-breien-teddyberen-zambia/
If you’d like to read the story in Spanish, you could try ‘El Confidencial’ in Spain: https://www.elconfidencial.com/mundo/2020-03-09/abuela-teje-1000-ositos-de-peluche-ninos-africa_2487964/
In Sri Lanka, the ‘Sunday Reader’: http://thesundayreader.lk/2020/03/09/alston-woman-knits-1000-teddies-african-children/?fbclid=IwAR3bvqB2S4EUbjwE08qYmrfQmmt-Dm3tUsj_Uy7YM-2_urn7J7fQZNCvJoo
In Ghana, there is ‘Ghana Today’: https://ghanatoday.net/2020/03/08/alston-woman-knits-1000-teddies-for-african-children/
In America, amongst others is ‘Web Top News’ :https://webtopnews.com/woman-knits-1000-teddies-bears-for-african-children-14671-2020/
Other media outlets have been in touch as well…..