As well as providing foodstuffs and other items purchased in Zambia, Zambezi Sunrise continues distributing books, clothes, sporting equipment and toys that have been donated. They range in scale from large scale uniform donations by schools in the U.K. to single items donated by individuals. Such donations are typically distributed to vulnerable children through schools, hospitals, orphanages or directly to their families. Email enquiries are welcomed from those considering such donations. Donations are welcomed on the basis that some items which may not be easily transported to Zambia may be sold to raise funds for the charity.
On occasion, monetary grants are made to address particular needs of schools that are not the focus of our usual support.
For example, we were delighted to be able to ensure the electricity system was repaired and the supply restored to Baobuyu Learning Center after it was hit by a lightening strike in early 2018. The school has also benefitted from the distribution of clothes donated by our supporters.
Similarly, we were pleased to make a grant to Njokomalomo Basic School in Barotseland / Western Province to assist with their immediate needs. Zambezi Sunrise Trust has also paid the registration fee to ensure the school receives grants of reading books from Book Aid International.