Lots to catch up on!
Monday turned into a busy day. In the morning I accompanied a friend to hospital. I know the health service is having problems in the UK but it’s really limited over here. Hospitals are so under resourced. There is only one ECG machine in the Livingstone general hospital. If you have a heart problem you will get your blood pressure read once and that is it! To get an appointment with the specialist (even with a suspected stroke) it is likely to take you 6 weeks!
Anyway….In the afternoon I visited a young boy, Stanley who I took to hospital a couple of weeks ago following an eye injury. He’s doing great. I took a school dress (donated by Pockington School) for his sister and a pair of school trousers for his brother (donated by Durham school) and some other clothes donated by Natalie Bee. The main purpose however was to get Stanley back into government school as he had not been able to attend as no one could pay the modest school fees. His mother has been unable to find funds and was in arrears for the last 3 years. The school said he could not return until the fees were paid. Zambezi Sunrise has supported Stanley and paid the debt and school fees for this year. The fees for the 3 years totalled just over £50. We have also organised a new school uniform and a pair of school shoes.
Tuesday was a shopping day for whiteboards and in the afternoon it was homework club. The improvements to the building are great. They will make such a difference to the learning experience. We had six IVHQ volunteers who came along to help. The children love having people to visit them. The day also marked the first instalment from a recent donation specifically aimed at supporting the teachers for the Linda Sunrise homework club.
Wednesday and Thursday morning was a day finalising Clements CD. It is officially all complete. 100 CDs have been ordered and we are in the process of finalising the copyright. We plan to have a launch event soon to promote the album. Thank you again to those of you who have helped to make this happen. Clement has included a thank you acknowledgement and listed your names on the CD!
Wednesday also involved buying another pair of school shoes for a boy who hasn’t any shoes and some medicine for a boy with a very bad cough. We also bought some needlework items for the rural village craft groups to accompany the three sewing machines that we bought with money that was kindly raised by Margaret Clayton. We will give you more details after our visit on Saturday.
Thursday we have had a meeting about the school building project.
So… there has been lots happening.