We were delighted last year to be invited by the Worshipful Company of Engineers to enter a submission for their annual Engineers Trust Outreach Grant. This is an invitation only competition to build a development project with engineering interest (with a lot more criteria than that!). We have now learned that we were a “close runner up”. Whilst we didn’t win the award, the result was so close that the judges decided to make an additional grant to Zambezi Sunrise Trust of £1,000.
Our submission related to building an ‘insaka’ at Linda Community School, and we have decided to go ahead and build it this year and put the grant towards it. Similar in size to the one in the photo, with a traditional wood and thatch roof, with modern cement base, it will feature a waist high wall and benches made from ‘eco-bricks’ – used plastic bottles stuffed with other rubbish by children at the school. It will help with the feeding programme, provide additional learning space and shelter, and also a place of work for Tiyese (‘Let’s Try’) Craft Initiative.
Our thanks go to the Worshipful Company, The Engineers Trust, our referees, the Livingstone District Education Board Secretary, our contractors, Tammy Raymond at Baobuyu Learning Centre (for the photos of their insaka) and staff and children at Linda Community School for their help with our entry. It was a near miss!