A new school, and a new project, for us. This year we are extending our support to ensure that construction projects at schools that have not been finished because of Covid related funding issues can be completed. Last week saw the commencement of work to finish an ablution block at Nekacheya School’s new site in Mwandi, Livingstone. We are delighted to say that work has now also begun at Dream Elementary School, in the Highlands area of the city. This is the first time we have funded a project at the school, which has been funded and built over recent years by volunteers from a variety of organisations under the supervision of our partner Zambian NGO, Dream Livingstone. The lack of volunteers over the last two years because of travel restrictions meant that work had stalled on a new classroom block. Zambezi Sunrise Trust is ensuring that it will be completed by funding the flooring, plastering, drainage, electrics, iron work (doors and windows), glazing, and painting. Work has begun on the electricals and drainage, with materials also having been purchased. The completion of the classroom block will allow the school to expand beyond its present limit of Grade 4. Progress….