We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our Oxfordshire fundraiser over the weekend. The total raised presently stands at £1215.82.
Our principle thanks go to Michael Anderson and Ralph Mountford who, for the second time this year, opened their Cotswolds gardens as part of the National Garden Scheme to raise funds for Zambezi Sunrise. Our thanks also go to everyone who helped prepare and man the various stalls, Margaret Clayton and the ladies (both in the U.K. and Zambia) who created items for the craft stall, those who grew and donated plants for sale, and the over 150 people who came to see the gardens. Together with the similar event in May, a total of £2857.49 has so far been raised – that’s over a quarter of the cost of a classroom we build in Zambia. These sorts of fundraising events make a huge contribution to us and we couldn’t be more grateful – thanks everyone!