We were delighted to receive some photos this week from the most geographically remote project that we support. For over two years we have ensured supplies of hundreds of reading books have reached Njokomalomo Basic School in Barotseland / Western Province of Zambia. Some of our trustees and supporters were able to visit the school in early 2020. Getting the books to the school is quite a feat in itself. They are sourced from Book Aid International donations in Lusaka, through the cooperation of the Government Chief Librarian. They then make their way by bus to Livingstone in Southern Province, where Grace Malambo from Nekacheya School ensures they are sent via another bus (over extremely bad roads) to beyond Sesheke in Barotseland. Once dropped off they need to be taken by boat across the Zambezi, then via dirt roads to the school. We’re pleased to say it’s worth it!