Photos of the recently completed ‘ablution’ block at Linda Community School. This has completely transformed the toilet provision at the school for boys and girls, as well as providing a shower facility for older girls to ensure that they do not lose days from school. Our thanks go not only to Harry Simakumba, Joe Muyenga and the construction team, but also to the many IVHQ and Travel Active volunteers who helped with this building. Whether it was clearing the land last year, digging the foundation trenches in January or painting the murals in recent weeks, they were all brilliant and we’re hugely grateful to them. This literally saved a school – it was previously threatened with closure because there were previously only two toilets for nearly 500 people. The first classroom has also been built and work is underway to extend it to a row of five rooms. We also have more exciting news to follow for the school as Zambezi Sunrise Trust approaches it’s second birthday on Tuesday. Massive thanks to everyone who has donated and made this possible.