Friday witnessed a great bit of international cooperation at Nekacheya School involving Holland, the U.K, U.S.A and Zambia. In December an ex IVHQ volunteer, Esther Van Bostelen, raised funds where she teaches at Wilgenburg Catholic Primary School in Zwolle, The Netherlands. Earlier another ex IVHQer, Denali Kincaid, had a fundraiser through designing and selling Nekacheya T shirts in America. Both donated the proceeds of their fundraising to Zambezi Sunrise with a request that the funds be allocated to support Nekacheya. Last week with the assistance of our Zambian friends and colleagues we were able to travel to Lusaka to purchase whiteboards for the school. The excess that they both raised will be used to purchase textbooks that will be in school next week. The whiteboards were presented to the school yesterday with one of our trustees, John, wearing one of Denali’s T shirts. If any other ex volunteers would like to get involved please get in touch!