Day 7, part 3 of our trustees’ visit to Zambia…
This afternoon we were delighted to distribute a variety of hand made items that were made and donated by supporters in England. They were given to children at Linda Community School and Linda Sunrise Pre-School. Knitted bears were made by Josie Hind (some of the over 1,350 that she has made for us) and named by people at our events. Josie also made the blue and yellow hats (Zambezi Sunrise colours) that went to children at both schools. She and her friend Annie provided the fabulous blankets which were well received as the cold season is beginning in Zambia. The wonderful ponchos were knitted by Florence Fawcett and Ann Huntley. More donated uniform items were also distributed – huge thanks as ever to everyone who has given us them, they are received with real delight and gratitude.