On 1st October 2016 Nekacheya School in Livingstone had a sponsored walk to raise funds for the school. 40 pupils, as well as teachers and parents, took part in the walk from Mukuni market down Mosi oa Tunya Road towards Victoria Falls. The Zambezi Sunrise Trust was delighted to be able to facilitate sponsorship of the walk by ex volunteers who had previously taught at the school. They were able to donate funds and/or make offers of fundraising in the future and/or send messages of support. Together, they were able to effectively double the amount of money that the school was able to raise itself. Our thanks go to (alphabetically, by country) Huw (Australia), Jeevan (Canada), Laura (Italy), Muriel (Switzerland), Edward (United Kingdom) and Alexi, Denali, Erin, Marissa and Wendy (United States of America). Zambezi Sunrise were also able to arrange sponsorship of an individual pupil via our Facebook page and our thanks also go to those who supported her.