Day 3 of our trustees visit, part 1.
This morning focussed on plumbing. We were delighted to meet representatives of Mundolobela Kopumuna Skills Development Project, a vocational skills project that had previously volunteered their time to help with the plumbing at the ablution block we recently completed at Nekacheya School. We then took them to Linda Community School where they examined various plumbing issues that had developed with the ablution blocks there. That was followed by a visit to our Lind Sunrise project where some detective work ensued as sewage lines were followed in Linda compound and manhole covers rediscovered in order to unblock drains. Our trustee John then accompanied them to their skills training centre (off Airport Road) to collect tools, before purchasing materials from a plumbing shop in town. Their work on both projects will continue over the next couple of days to get things ready for the start of term on Monday – huge thanks to all involved!