This morning saw a suitcase full of books arrive at Nekacheya School in Livingstone – literally. The 137 reading and grammar books, as well as marker pens, were brought by our trustees from the U.K. and were purchased with funds raised by Nekacheya’s ‘twin’ school in England. The children of Shotley Bridge Primary School in County Durham held a sponsored walk last year that has resulted in a rapid expansion of the library at Nekacheya. The books are housed in a cabinet that was also paid for from the same fundraiser. More books will follow. Pictured is our own ‘book whisperer’, headteacher Grace Malambo. THANK YOU SHOTLEY BRIDGE and teacher Deb Wolstenholme for such a fabulous result!!! If any teachers out there would like to twin their school with a school in Zambia please get in touch!