What a day! We had a fabulous day at Linda Community School today, with a memorable official opening of a classroom. Sandra Mulier from Sonskyn in Belgium, who funded our Grade 8 classroom, was finally able to officially open it after the travel delays caused by Covid. It was fantastic to welcome her and her travel companion Anoek to finally see the room. We were honoured by the presence of the Mayor of Livingstone, Constance Muleabai, and the Deputy to the District Education Board Secretary, who both spoke in praise of the recent academic achievements of the school. The children put on a selection of memorable cultural performances, involving dancing, drumming, the choir and poetry. International volunteers who have recently helped us paint at the school, as well as adult learners, were also present. The ribbon was cut by Sandra, assisted by the Mayor, Janice (a pupil of the school) and Queenie (the youngest volunteer). Sonskyn have partnered with us on several projects over the years and we couldn’t be more happy to show them the classroom. Thanks go to everyone involved for their hard work preparing the event, despite the inclement conditions beforehand!