Back in the summer term the children of Dr Tomlinson C of E Middle School in Rothbury, Northumberland did an amazing thing. Their sponsored walk in the hills above the town, replicating the time and distance many pupils walk to Linda Community School, raised a fantastic £1917.15. Yesterday our trustee John was delighted to visit the school to thank them and show them what happened with their money. At Linda in January we are about to begin our first Grade 12 class – the senior class in the Zambian School system. We’ve already built them a classroom, but we needed text books – all of them, in every subject. Dr Thomlinson’s fantastic contribution has funded approximately 80% of those books. With perfect timing, the books were delivered yesterday morning and John was able to show the children photos of them in Zambia and with the children there. During the whole school assembly he read a letter of thanks from the children at Linda. This was followed by a class with Year 5, and some Year 8 geography students, during which there were some great questions. Talking about differences between Rothbury and Livingstone, they only had to look out the window at the snow!
Thank you Dr Thomlinson’s!