Zambezi Sunrise Trust would like to say a huge ‘thank you‘ to Alex Clarkson, who leaves Zambia today. Australian Alex has been volunteering in Livingstone through IVHQ for most of this year. On top of her teaching commitments, however, Alex has devoted a huge amount of her time to assisting Zambezi Sunrise projects. She has helped promote Tiyesa women’s group, helped with murals at Linda Community School and even returned from a brief trip to the U.K. with 23 kilos of Zambezi Sunrise book donations! However, it is at Linda Sunrise ‘Homework Club’ where she has made her biggest impact, not only in helping establish the library and coordinating getting medical supplies but particularly in developing afternoon classes to assist children with reading. To say she will be missed is an understatement, as can be seen from these photos of her last day there. Huge thanks Alex – we can’t wait to see you again in Zambia!