As well as the dozens of people who have helped to organise, and attend, our events over recent months we would like to thank the following who have volunteered their time and effort to creating this website. In alphabetical order, our thanks go to the following:
Marie Gardiner and Mark Thorburn at Lonely Tower Film and Media who created the video on this website as well as the short promotional film that you may have seen on our Facebook page.
Brian Jobling, who has very generously provided the hosting for this site as well as the domain name.
Clement Maimbolwa is a blind guitarist who lives in the Linda community in Livingstone, Zambia. Clement has consented to our using footage we had of him at the homework club described in our ‘Projects’ section in order to promote the cause of deprived children in his area. It is Clement who concludes our introductory video: “What can I do for the needy ones? I can help them.”
Lena Mannhardt, a German volunteer, who while working in Livingstone took photos, including two of those on the homepage, for this website. They are of the proposed Linda Sunrise School and have also featured on our Facebook page, including the banner photo.
Zoe Rutter, who gave up her time to creating our Facebook page – to which this website is linked.
Richard Short, who donated his creative talents to designing the Zambezi Sunrise Trust logo.
Liam Steel, of Steel Media Works, who volunteered his time, labour and patience to designing this website for us.
We are grateful to you all!