This is to clarify the position today, both for our supporters and those we help in Zambia. The Zambian government has ordered the closure of all schools in the country until at least the end of January. This is to help contain a cholera outbreak that is centred on Lusaka. The schools that we support are in, and around, Livingstone (300 miles away) where there is no incidence of the disease. One of our trustees, John, will arrive in Livingstone on Wednesday and be there for the following three weeks supporting the non teaching aspects of our projects, including the construction of the next building at Linda Community School and the enhancement of the library at Nekacheya. He will be taking with him approximately 60 kilos of items that have been kindly donated for distribution. He and Joanne will be in Livingstone between February 18th and March 30th, arriving with another 80 kilos or so of donated items.