We’d like to thank everyone who supported Joanne Gillette and Noel Thirlaway’s joint 50th/80th birthday fundraising party on Saturday! Everyone had a great time thanks to the efforts of everyone who helped set it up, donated items or their time to running it, played at the event, helped clear up or simply attended. We’d particularly like to thank Alicia Ward-Yarrow and the Mussel Square Boys who volunteered their time to provide a fabulous ceilidh, as well as Dennis O’Brien who did a set on the ukulele. His rendition of ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ and appeal for funds raised enough for 250 bricks! With a combination of donations made as presents and the activities at the party, the event has so far raised £1907.00! If anyone would still like to donate they can do so at https://www.goldengiving.com/wall/zambezi-sunrise-trust .
Thank you everyone!!!